P: 303-279-0171 / F: 303-278-0135 information@colog.com
Colorado Interstate Expansion

Colorado Interstate Expansion

Colog collected optical and acoustic televiewer data at five locations on top of a mountain near Idaho Springs, CO, off westbound I-70. Plans are to widen the interstate from two lanes to three to accommodate additional westbound travelers. I-70 will be reconfigured...
Shallow Sea Bed Geotechnical Logging

Shallow Sea Bed Geotechnical Logging

COLOG acquired a tailored suite of geophysical logs, including nuclear logging and P-S Suspension logging, from a jack-up barge 20 miles off the coast of Maryland. The geotechnical investigation modeled the rock-strength properties of soft sea floor sediment providing...
Drill Shaft Integrity Studied

Drill Shaft Integrity Studied

Comprehensive Geophysical Logging Including: Cross-Hole Sonic Logging (CSL), 3-D MULTI-OFFSET Tomography (CSLT), and Gamma-Gamma Density Logging (GDL) Case Foundation/AZDOT, Tucson, AZ COLOG performed CSL and GDL to evaluate the integrity of 4-foot and 6-foot...