P: 303-279-0171 / F: 303-278-0135 information@colog.com
Reservoir Feasibility and Expansion Project

Reservoir Feasibility and Expansion Project

COLOG collected high resolution borehole imaging data using Optical and Acoustic Televiewer probes in twenty-five boreholes. These images, oriented for tilt and azimuth, were utilized to determine the depth and direction of major and minor fractures. Fractures were...
Municipal Water Supply Well for Tucson, AZ

Municipal Water Supply Well for Tucson, AZ

One of the more common applications of geophysical logging for COLOG’s Arizona office is “The Water Well Suite”. Consulting companies hired by water municipalities to drill and construct water supply wells will typically drill a pilot borehole and request a...
Comprehensive Geophysical Logging Suite

Comprehensive Geophysical Logging Suite

Comprehensive Geophysical Logging Suite Including Sonic, Resistivities/Gamma, Dual Neutron, Compensated Density and Caliper for Lithologic Analysis in Shallow Sea Bed Block Island Wind Farm of the Coast of Rhode Island. COLOG performed an extensive geophysical logging...